Abnehmen durch Injektionslipolyse?
Die Injektionslipoyse ist eine beliebte Behandlung in der ästhetischen Medizin, welche zur gezielten Beseitigung kleiner bis mittlerer Fettpölsterchen angewandt…
The word ‘collagen’ is on everyone’s lips, and for good reason. Collagen, after all, accounts for more than 30% of human proteins and is an important building block in our connective tissue. Forms of connective tissue includes bones, cartilage, tendons, and skin.
Collagen production is a complex process which takes certain amino acids – the building blocks of proteins – and links them together over several steps in a biochemical pathway.
There are over 25 different types of collagen. The collagen contained within the skin has a unique biochemical composition and serves to maintain the integrity and elasticity of the skin.
As proven in scientific studies, collagen fibers lose thickness and strength as we age. This process has been shown to be associated with skin aging (1).
There are, however, various methods to replenish the body with collagen. In addition to food supplements, which promote regeneration of bone and cartilage, collagen can also be introduced into the body in the form of creams (2).
A further study demonstrated that the intake of collagen peptides over an 8-week period led to a measurable increase in the moisture content of the skin. In addition, the study showed an increase in collagen density that lasted up to 12 weeks after supplementation ended (3).
In a 2020 study using a population of 36 postmenopausal women, a 4-week trial of marine collagen led to a significant improvement in the elasticity of the skin in sun-exposed areas. This improvement persisted for a further 4 weeks after the trial ended (4).
There are indeed products that, when applied to the skin, can lead to an improvement in collagen production. Since the body can only produce collagen with the help of vitamin C, it’s recommended to use products containing this vitamin. Even at concentrations below 5%, vitamin C promotes the desired effect (5).
Abnehmen durch Injektionslipolyse?
Die Injektionslipoyse ist eine beliebte Behandlung in der ästhetischen Medizin, welche zur gezielten Beseitigung kleiner bis mittlerer Fettpölsterchen angewandt…
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